Tuesday, May 31, 2022


 Y’all ever wonder how strange and creepy must be the outer world? I mean the space? Sound doesn’t travel in space, so much silence as if you’re deaf also not forgetting about the black hole :D the mighty black hole. The time slows down as you get closer to it. Once the black hole gets you, it sucks you in changing you into particles and also never to be seen again. It even pulls in stars. This is so cool. I did a little more research on how fast a person dies due to a black hole and the research says that theoretically you won't make it into a black hole before spaghettifying. The reason for this is, as you approach the black hole, around the horizon, the tidal effects will stretch you out into a spaghetti form. This will be as a result of the differing gravitational force experienced by your body parts. Your legs will feel a stronger pull than your head and given the strength of a black hole’s gravity you will be stretched into spaghetti form this is what is referred to as spaghettifying.

    While to those at relatively far distance from the black hole, you will appear to never fall inside the black hole as time dilation will cause your time to appear slowly almost close to statism.

    Indeed your death will be one very long event and one that generations and generations on earth will witness as you will always appear to be in the blackhole horizon and never falling inside.

     While we may not know what is inside a black hole, you will the first human to get a closer look just that you won’t be able to make sense of it nor report this record breaking achievement of mankind as you would have practically lost consciousness with your brain liquefied. This has to be an instant death to you but should not be faster than light speed, at least that will be your only consolation. A death that you will not even realize when you started dying.

Guys I think black hole is the right place for me. (c" ತ,_ತ)

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