Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Difference of Opinions


Once a wise French philosopher, Voltaire said “I may disagree with you but I will defend till death your right to say it.” But in reality, I would rather send others to death for contradicting my opinion. What the world faces today is the monster of hatred ready to gulp down everything. What severely lacks is tolerance. Bertrand Russell was once asked to give a single worded message for the future generations and he replied “tolerance”. Yes, tolerance is what is needed to give others the right of holding their opinions even if it goes against our liking or our taste. It is such a pity that we humans the master creation of Allah Ta’alah, the only creature on the face of earth to be endowed with power of reasoning can droop so low as to take lives of fellow human beings just because they are different? They speak different languages or have different skin color or different religion, cast or creed? Why are we so unwilling to accept others on their own terms and conditions and not ours? Why must the list of people who deserve to live and go have the best of everything include only those who share our opinions? We have divided the world into us versus them and coincidentally them are always those who are evil and do not deserve to live. Where does all this aggression come from? Isn’t it strange that out of all the creations humans are the only ones to suffer from purposeless aggression?

Eric Fromm, in his book Anatomy of Human Destructiveness distinguishes between two types of aggressions. One is impulsive aggression which man shares with all other animals and it comes out when they in their interests are threatened like their food and mate. This is purely biological aggression and it ceases when threat is removed. It is benign aggression. The other type is malignant aggression which manifests itself in the form of destructiveness and cruelty which is specific only to human beings but absent in other animals. We can point out that if aggression is part of our nature then we might be forgiven for intolerance. No, not at all. We are not just animals. We have the power of reasoning which tell us that it is wise to follow the policy of live and let live and to give other people the right and freedom to live as they wish and to give expression to their opinions without the fear of being persecuted.

Our world already presents a sorry picture. Half of the world is suffering from death and destruction brought to their doorsteps in the form of proxy wars and terrorism. Do we even realize that this is the result of refusing to give equal rights to those who are different from us? Everything in this world goes by its opposite. You simply cannot think of any exception to this rule even if you try hard.  This combination of opposites maintains the balance of this universe. There is no concept of light without darkness, no good without evil, no bravery without cowardice. If the universe can go on with an amazing balance between opposing forces then why can’t we? There is a beauty in diversity. Accept others as they are with their different opinions and see the magic. We must live up to the level we have been created for. We are vicegerent of Allah on this earth and not wild animals! Russell once said “If an opinion contrary to your own makes you angry that is a sign that you are subconsciously aware of having no good reason for thinking as you do”

Remember if we failed to accept opposing point of views then we cannot save humanity (which is already on the verge of annihilation) from tripping over into the abyss of ultimate destruction.

He tells her that the earth is flat 

He knows the facts, and that is that.

In altercations fierce and long

She tries her best to prove him wrong.

But he has learned to argue well.

He calls her arguments unsound

And often asks her not to yell.

She cannot win. He stands his ground.

The planet goes on being round.

Wendy Cope “Differences of Opinions”

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