Saturday, May 14, 2022

Those Who Forget History Are Condemned To Repeat It

 I once read somewhere that those who forget history are condemned to repeat it and I never thought I would see it happening in my life. I was in school then and could hardly understand politics. Now I comprehend chilling reality the words carry. 

We take the security that this freedom gives us for granted. We lost a part of our country some five decades ago. Losing East Pakistan was like losing our geography, our politics and our economy. It is like losing our ideology. We create independence on the basis of Islamic ideology. For of Dhaka shattered our belief in ideology of Pakistan. Ideologies do play an important role in the lives of nation but they cannot bind a nation together if all segments of a nation do not respect each other’s political lingual and cultural liberties because in such situations there is always an enemy who is ready to exploit the situation and take benefit from it.

 Unfortunately we never learnt our lesson from 1971. We never learnt that there are no permanent friends and permanent enemies. Different states have certain interests that determine their status as your friend or  foe. We are blind enough not to recognize our own interests. We lost East Pakistan because we learnt nothing from 1947. We forgot what pushed us to fight for a separate homeland.  We forgot once again so we were bound to repeat history. This time it was not part of our country that we lost but a part of our soul that was taken, a piece of our heart that died. The date was symbolic, December 16. December 16, 1971 was the day Dhaka fell and then exactly 43 years later on December 16, 2014 Army Public school in Peshawar was attacked. It was one of the darkest days of our history. More than 120 school boys brutally lost their lives just because their countrymen forgot history. APS symbolizes failure of our nation. Once again our country is on the verge of breaking up. 

We have lost thousands of lives to terrorism. We may have weakened the enemy but have not eliminated altogether. If we do not handle the situation carefully and continue to take things lightly and act blindly I am afraid we will  have to repeat history yet another time or maybe there would not be any other time‎.

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