Friday, May 13, 2022


Franz Kafka has always been one of my favorite authors and his life really is worth knowing because of all of the hardships he had been through. Being a critical fan of Kafka I’m glad he passed away Before Hitler started to spread some destruction because Kafka was a Jew and you know what Hitler did to Jews.

Kafka was born in Bohemia which is currently located in Czech Republic but at Kafka’s time it belonged to Austria due to which Kafka’s mother language was German. He spoke German with a Czech accent. Kafka couldn’t write much because he passed away too soon. although he didn’t write much but still got worldwide famous especially because of his two most famous books a novel “trial” and a short fiction “The Metamorphosis”

 Kafka never believed in making a profession out of writing hence he took a degree in law from the University of Prague and became a clerk for an accident insurance office. Kafka used to fear his father. His father was the reason he wrote metamorphosis whenever Kafka would look into his father's eyes, he would see nothingness, he was cruel to Kafka and would humiliate him as well. Kafka died of tuberculosis at the age of 40 on his birthday on the third of June.

He constantly strained and stressed he suffered from migraines boils depression anxiety and insomnia. When his tuberculosis got worse he was not able to eat because of pain that ended up in his death.

We would have never known about his life had it not been for his friend Max Brod who posthumously published Kafka's works. After everything Kafka went through his philosophy goes something like: this the existential attitude begins with this oriented individual facing a confused world he cannot accept. However, that individual I mean Kafka eventually accepts and even embraces the absurdity of life. Some of the famous writers Kafka influenced were Albert Kamas Eugene Lonesco, Jean Paul etc. Hunger artist was his last written work. Kafka was a vegetarian for both his ethical and aesthetic reasons. Kafka’s “the metamorphosis” is worth reading, it’s all about how even the ones you love the most change. It is a symbolic story and not really easy to understand but if you once do start to understand there are many chances you might break down into tears. I’m really against his father for being so brutal to him. Also, later on, 7 years after Kafka’s death Nazis took his family to the camp and burnt them alive with other Jews as well. Kafka’s life pretty much sums up why his works were so depressing.


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