Tuesday, June 28, 2022

All is valid

The way you have mixed feelings about your parents is valid.

You might have loving parents, who love you with all their being but the mental illness that has established its roots in every bone of their body might try to grab you by the throat from time to time and you will see clear symptoms of the disorders that they have no idea even exist.

They might care about you, but being around them is constant emotional labour for you, because you can see the damaged parts that you can spend a lifetime repairing and yet they will drag you down with them.

Sometimes our parents have developed emotional manipulation strategies and techniques that worked for them to help survive their own traumas, but now those strategies are mentally exhausting you.

Your parents depression/anxiety, their unawareness about it, and the constant cloud of gloom over their head suffocates you and triggers your own mental illness no matter how much you want to help them you can't.

I want you to know that its okay to protect yourself, its not selfish to take some time apart from them. The love you have for your parents is still valid.

To create emotional gap between your parents just to save yourself because you know its too late for them to be saved is one of them most heartbreaking thing you will ever go through, but its alright.

I promise you, you are not selfish or ungrateful. You are not abandoning them. You are trying to make it through life without losing your sanity on the way in such a young age.

I know you are confused, its such a grey area between your love for them, guilt, anxiety, toxic attachment and emotional labour but you are not alone in this.

Your mixed feelings about your parents are valid.

Monday, June 27, 2022

Wars are scary

 The monsters that frighten us are scarier than any ghost or ghoul, and they haunt us beyond October 31st.

Militarism’s clutch on our world is maintained by the culture of fear that works to distract, divide, and conquer us. We’re subdued and taught to believe that politicians have absolute, total power over us, that our voices don’t matter, and that we must opt-in to the broken system. Top-down power depends on obedience, consent, and fear.

But there's a secret that they don't want us to know. The power of governments is often so fragile that when enough people disobey, the government is forced to change.

We believe in the power of nonviolence to create a sustainable world for all of us. To dismantle the system, we can’t replicate the system. That’s why we're launching a new resource, Nonviolence 101, highlighting key moments in history where nonviolent action forced those at the top to listen to the needs of the rest of us. Order yours!

When we come together, we have the magic to vanquish monsters. Thank you for continuing to support our antimilitarist visions for the future. 

"The thing about nonviolence is that it spreads. When you get people to participate in nonviolent action - whether it's a fast, a march, a boycott, or a picket line - people hear you, people see you, people are learning from that action." - Dolores Huerta

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Islam is beautiful

Islam is a beautiful religion which talks about equality, about peace and compassion. Most of the Islamic texts are written in Persian, which is an extremely rich language, the ground for some of finest and deepest prose and poetry, literature which has a profound impact on the being. History boasts of deep thinkers and philosophers like Bukhari, Rudaki, Ferdowsi, al-Ghazhali and others.

The Quran talks about compassion towards all beings. “There is not an animal on the earth, nor a flying creature flying on two wings, but they are people like unto you.” (Quran, 6.38 — sura Al-An’am, or cattle) Imam Hazzrat Ali in his book Nahjul Balaga directs Muslims not to make their stomach a graveyard of innocent animals and birds.

Ferdowsi in the famous Shah-nameh highlighted the importance of cow in the form of Barmayeh who became the wet nurse of Fereydun, raised him to become a fearsome warrior who later avenged the killing of this magical cow as well as his father, by executing Zahhak and assuming the throne.

Ghazali in his Ihya Ulum-id-din observed that beef creates diseases, milk has got cure, and clarified butter has got medicinal effect. Tabarani, the noted Hadith scholar, resonates this thought in Al Jami. More recently, Maulvi Mohammad Ismail wrote a poem ‘Our Cow’ which was taught in primary schools till 1960s, and expressed gratefulness to lord for creating a being as benevolent as the cow.

In present times, unfortunately, such philosophers and thinkers seem to have vanished or at least become a rare breed, particularly in India. While countries like Iran have taken into account the Islamic tenets and put complete ban of slaughter of cows, in our own country the Hadith and Quran are openly flouted. A true Muslim is one who abides by the thought and direction of Quran and Islamic scholars and saints.

According to Fiqh-us-Sunnah, Volume 3, Number 104, Prophet Muhammad was asked by his companions if kindness to animals was rewarded in the life hereafter. He replied: “Yes, there is a meritorious reward for kindness to every living creature.” Vedas too echo the same thought. Cow is called dhenu in the vedas. Atharvaved (11.1.34) states: “Dhenu sadanam rayeenaam”, that is, cow is the fountainhead of all bounties. Cow is indeed the source of nourishment of creation — its milk and its derivatives — ghee, curd, butter, etc form an important dietary component for humans, the dung is a fuel and a natural fertiliser, it also protects against radiation, the urine acts as a natural pesticide and has medicinal uses.

It is an intelligent being and the karmic implications of causing hurt to it are severe, likewise the karmic benefits of serving it are also manifold. Various cultures describe the immense benefits of preserving and serving this animal. It is said that if you regularly feed cows and they lick your head, then your hidden mental abilities fructify —this was true for the great saint Kabir; his poetic abilities manifested only once he was licked by a cow on his head.

In our country, cow has been revered and protected by Hindus and Muslims alike through history. Sayyiduna Abd Allah ibn Umar narrates that the Messenger of Allah said: “It is necessary upon a Muslim to listen to and obey the ruler as long as one is not ordered to carry out a sin.” (Sahih al-Bukhari, no. 2796) 

Babar instructed Humayun not to kill cows. Fatwa-e-humayuni states, “Slaughter of cow is not a law in Islam.” Bahadur Shah Zafar issued a farman against cow slaughter. In our country there existed mutual respect and admiration among both religions which was disrupted by colonial rulers under their policy of divide and rule. There is an urgent need of togetherness among the Hindus and Muslims by removing doubts about religion.

let protection of cow be the common denominator as both religions talk about it. Both agree that its milk is nectar and its meat death, something which is also medically proven now. High amounts of coagulants are found in cow meat that thicken the blood, hampering the normal functioning of heart leading to a plethora of cardio-vascular diseases and at times even proving fatal.

Dr Prasan Prabhakar, MD & Proprietor, laxmi Hospital, Kochi, says: “I have noticed people who eat cow meat have higher incidence of cholesterol and sudden death syndrome where the heart stops functioning and the person dies.”

All faiths emphasize upon the law of karma (action and reaction), that is, what you sow so shall you reap. Abdullah Bin Umar narrates that Rasul once prescribed hell to a lady who kept a cat tied and prevented her from filling her stomach (Sahih Al bukhari Muslim, 9:2365). Abu Huraira narrates a Hadith where a person is forgiven of his sins for having quenched the thirst of a panting dog (Bukhari 4:538).

One can only imagine what we are calling upon ourselves by abusing the cow that nourishes and nurtures us. The effects on our bodies are immediate, the effects on our lives would take a few years to manifest, the pain that the human civilization is going through today possibly is the effect of this cause.


Saturday, June 25, 2022

Tough Times

 I remember after certain falls and events in my life, everything changed for me.

The pressure to keep things on track, to succeed became overwhelming for me.

That was the time when I lost my will to live. Life didn't seem exciting to me anymore. My paints dried and my sketchbook sat there gathering dust because there was absolutely nothing I wanted to do anymore.

I would go to sleep each night without planning anything for next day, because thats how life was, monotonous. I wasn't looking forward to anything exciting or different. Just going with the flow, not having any energy to change anything, or even plan to change it.

My family saw me eating junk in bed, piling on weight, not brushing my hair very often, nor leaving the room, living "out of my body", as if it was never my own.

"Whats even left to live for?" I questioned myself. Everything. You haven't lived a day.

What did I want to do? I asked myself. Was getting a degree in a field I never wanted to step in, getting a job where I would trade my days and nights for a salary that would vanish like thin air on things that I never wanted, was getting married, having kids and trying to survive what I wanted to do with life?

The answer was no, I wanted to be "happy".

I wanted to get a small house in a small town, where I would have a place to hang my coats, where I will get myself a dog. Where every neighbor would know eachother, and in the Spring we would walk eachother to the vegetable market down the street.

Where I would try recipes from my Cookbook and the kitchen will smell like fresh herbs, oranges and self-sufficiency, not like chocolate cake, Chinese food or love.

So I decided that I want to be here. I want to live. I was to wake up to make sure someday I live this life.

I told myself its okay if I fail the degree. Its okay if I don't get my dream job. Its okay I don't get married young.

I can work in a bakery, in a floral shop, or maybe as a writer somewhere.

Its okay if my relatives and friends don't think I succeeded if life, because I will be happy, I will have a Cookbook and a Dog. 

Thursday, June 23, 2022

self love

 I don't remember the last time I ate because I was Hungry. For all I remember is eating each time I would be sad, uncomfortable, stressed, bored, tired.

Whatever the problem was, the answer would always be in the fridge.

Minor inconveniences piled on each other, so did the pounds.

The weight on the scale went up, and my self esteem down.

The day would be spent eating the junk in bed, watching something for hours till my eyes would be blurry and my back woulf hurt.

I would get up to see the mirror, knowing what I was doing to myself yet unable to stop.

It was like a toxic cycle. I wanted to stop. But drowning my demons in Coke was the only way I knew. Food was not for nutrition, it was for survival.

My camera roll would have more pictures of my body-checks, and face from different angle, all sorted date vice to compare how fat have I got compared to last week.

I don't remember when was the last time I looked into the mirror and the first thing I noticed was how pretty my face is or how beautiful my eyes are, for the only thing I would immediately focus on was if I am looking fat from that certain angle.

My lack of self love subotaged all my relationships and friendships. I started to withdraw myself from social gathering, meetups and interactions because my self image was so distraughted that I didn't want anyone to see me the way I saw myself.

Took me years to realize that if you don't love yourself no one will. No matter how beautiful you are, if you present your self-diagnosed flaws and insecurities to someone on a golden platter, they are going to eat it.

If you keep pointing things that you don't love about yourself, in the start people will oppose it, but will gradually start to see you that way.

People have to the psychology to see what you show them. So love yourself publicly till you learn how to do it in private as well.

Fake it till you make it.

You don't have any other option.

You have to love yourself, or watch everyone else fall out of love with you as well.

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

one thing changing everything

 If you hadn't met that one person in your life.

If you hadn't received that one phone call.

If you hadn't failed that one entry test.

If you hadn't ruined that one subject.

If you hadn't messed up that particular day.

If you hadn't failed that one bond.

If you hadn't slipped that one step.

Life would be COMPLETELY different right now. You might not be where you are. You might not have seen the growth that you did. You might not have matured. You wouldn't have understood life.

If you hadn't failed a relationship, you would have failed a marriage.

If you hadn't fell on step one, you have have fell from 100 steps.

If you hadn't failed that entry test, you would have suffered entire career.

Allah watches you chasing plans that will ruin you beyond repair in the longer run.

Like a child, getting fascinated by the electric socket.

Or a dog, trying to reach your chocolate, that would kill him, he doesn't know that, but you do.

There will come a point in your life when you will be less grateful for what Allah gave you and more grateful for what He didn't give you.

Believe me or not, I thank Allah everyday for never letting my plans work.

Shivers run down my spine when I imagine the things I had in mind for myself, that fascinated me, that had my heart, and it breaks my heart even more how I doubted His plans when He took them away, when he made my plans horribly fail even after I prayed for so long. How I doubted if He was even listening. I doubted His love for me.

How could I?

What if He had just let me go on with what I wanted to do, what I wanted to get?

If you're in a dark place in your life and you feel like you have just lost yout dream career, your soulmate, your future, your hope.

Just know that, it wasn't your dream career, your soulmate, your future, your hope. 

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

How mind of a Trauma Survivor works

 "I look forward at life, although I am in a happy place, but I feel the road stretches too far, my boots are weak, I have been through hell that has burned its sole and my soul. I feel like the packet of energy I was born with has run out. I have wasted it all, too early, on very unnecessary things. I feel like slightest inconvenience will sweep me off. A little fall will crack my ribs. One stumble, and all the things I have stuffed forcefully inside my bones will come tumbling out like clothes from a overfilled wardrobe. I feel like I have pieced myself back with a substandard glue. Something that won't stand even a single rain. I am whole for now, and I am happy with life, but my reserves are empty, one little uncertainty that I would have laughed off few years ago can now throw me off a cliff."

Traumas don't always make you stronger. They help you grow for sure. But your backpack is empty most of the times. You have spent all of your energy on climbing the mountains, now to find out you you don't even have enough left to climb the nearest hills. But thats okay. Keep going. You have got it. You made this far. We made this far. We will make it further. I know people who had made it through life with an empty backpack. Even without a backpack. What if you spent it all too early. We still have to keep going, without or without our reserve packet of energy. 

Monday, June 20, 2022


 Anxiety has many triggers

Certain names, certain smells, certain places, certain situations can act as a trigger for you.

As soon as you come across that trigger, it sends a message to the part of your brain called Amygdala.

It deals with :

1. Triggering and processing emotions.

2. Recognizing threats.

3. Associating previous memories to that threat.

4. Prepares body for fight or flight.

Now comes part of brain called Hippocampus :

1. It has all your previous memories saved.

2. It is also responsible for new learning and creativity.

As Amygdala recognizes threat, it sends a message to hippocampus to see if a similar memory is stored somewhere there.

Hippocampus is very sensitive. It is fragile. Repeated stimuli damage it, causing loss of a huge part of memory, also effects new learning abilities.

Now Anxiety is a series of constant triggers and repeated fears. A person suffering from Anxiety for a long time damages his hippocampus hence can't remember exact details of past events.

For example, you will meet a friend from school time and they will talk about the details of how you did certain activities, but you will only have a vague picture of that in mind not the details.

Similarly you will remember how a situation made you feel emotionally, but if you focus of thinking about its details you will realize that you don't remember any.

People with damage to their Hippocampus also face difficulty in memorizing and focusing on new things.

They feel clear difference in how their focus span is getting short and how they can't memorize new things for work of study (something they could do easily some years back).

So here's the scientific explanation for it.

No you are not lazy.

No its not just in your head.

It is an injury, just like any other physical one.

You need care, you need treatment.

You are not imagining it. Its real. Stop being hard on yourself please.

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Memories and Moments

 You grow up with so much information stored in your memory that you don't have anything to do with anymore.

Still for some unknown reasons your brain clings to every bit of it, hesitant to let it go.

You remember birthdays of people that you can not wish anymore. You remember perfume scents of a classmate that you lost contact with years ago. You remember every detail of a restaurant, a mobie place, a park that your family used to visit every now and then.

You remember a song you sang with a friend that you have outgrown of friendship with.

Not that you miss any of that. Nor do you think about it that often. Its just that you remember. Brain keeps souvenirs. It loves collecting tracing of where have you been in life and where you came from.

So each of us, me and you, are just collection of random souvenirs, whether we like it or not. 

Saturday, June 18, 2022

How to be a weeb

 Are you just dipping your toes into your first manga, or are you already saving for an anime box and your trip to Japan? No matter where you are on your path to weeb-dom, we’re here to guide you, Senpai. 

If you’re ready to devote yourself to the art of cosplay, the praise of all things anime, and totally embrace Japanese pop culture, you’ve come to the right place. This is the ultimate guide on how to be a weeb. 

Because it’s more than just interest—it’s a lifestyle. 


If you don’t have time to devote yourself to the mastery of the Japanese language, you should, at the very least, master the key terminology of Weeaboo life. Being a true anime-lover means understanding things that go right over casual fans’ heads.

To help you familiarize yourself with the terminology, here’s a quick 101 on the five most frequently used terms in anime:

Kawaii – Kawaii is a Japanese term that means cute and can be applied to a person or object. Hello, Kitty is kawaii. K-On! is kawaii. Nichijou My Ordinary Life is very kawaii. Get it?

Baka – Stupid. No, not you! Baka is another Japanese term that is also a swear word that means stupid, and if you’ve watched almost any anime, you’ve probably already heard it a lot. Use it sparingly, as you wouldn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings.

Sugoi – On the opposite end of the spectrum—sugoi means great or amazing. When a character is totally impressed, they might use this word. Just learned a new fighting technique? Totally sugoi!

Tomodachi – Meaning friend, Tomodachi is a great word to know. Japanese anime is best enjoyed with good company, and weeb culture or fandom offers plenty of opportunities to bond with your tomodachis.

Otaku – We assume you already know this one. It’s the first word any anime lover learns to describe themselves. If you’re a weeb or an anime enthusiast, you’re totally an otaku—meaning you’re deep into anime. However, there are some key differences between a weeb vs. otaku. While the term once had a negative connotation, we’ve taken it back, and now weebs can wear the term with pride.


The cornerstone of any weeb or anime enthusiast lifestyle includes a full education in Japanese animation. 

Stay contemporary by keeping up with Horimiya, Laidback-Camp, and My Hero Academia, but don’t ignore the classics either. Anime like Cowboy Bebop and Neon Genesis Evangelion, are absolute staples of the genre and cannot be ignored.

There are plenty of options for streaming Japanese anime, and even more on DVD and Blu-Ray. Stock up your collection every chance you get, and soon you’ll be able to list the best anime characters and anime fight scenes.

Enjoy your anime, and remember—subs, not dubs!


Capes, hats, school uniforms, and samurai-style robes—there’s no limit when it comes to your weeb wardrobe. 

Part of being a true weeb or anime lover is dressing the part, so consider customizing your wardrobe to match your favorite anime.

If you’re more cyber-punk—try a drapey, all-black style

If you’re feeling kawaii—we recommend soft pinks and delicate whites

If you’re into school-style anime—a white shirt, tie, and plaid shirt is the perfect look

Your fashion is a way to communicate your anime interests to fellow weebs, so don’t be shy and always dress to impress.


Whether you’re into shounen, shoujo, seinen, josei, or kodomomuke—cosplay is a big part of the anime lover or weeb lifestyle. 

Become your favorite character through hand-designed costumes, impressive props, and an otaku attitude. You could be a fierce Hanji or a charming Rem—or go classic, show off, and spike your hair into an impressive Goku.



What are you eating? If you’re still chomping on western food, you’re not living up to your weeb lifestyle. Sushi’s okay, but to really live like your favorite anime characters, you should be chowing down on a daily Bento box.

If you don’t know, Bento boxes are multi-compartment Japanese meal carriers including things like:

Shumai (Dumplings)

Spring Rolls

Fried Gyoza

Ginger Salads

They’re the perfect way to enjoy some Japanese delicacies, in a convenient and easy-to-carry box.

Thursday, June 16, 2022


 Hunter X Hunter is one of the best manga series of all time. With its adventurous, action-packed story combined with gritty and dark moments, Hunter X Hunter leaves an everlasting impact on the viewers. Hisoka is one of the most interesting characters in the series and his battle with Chrollo resulted in his supposed death. Is Hisoka Dead? No, Hisoka did die during the battle with Chrollo Lucifer but he got revived by his Nen which activated after his death to restart his heart and lungs.

Hisoka’s Death Explained

During the final stage of his fight against Chrollo, Hisoka was surrounded by several people controlled by Chrollo Lucifer. Hisoka was already out of options losing one of his palms and legs and surrounded by bomb puppets. So he couldn’t escape the explosion of these bombs puppets resulting in his supposed death.

Shalnark gave the exact reason for Hisoka’s death after the battle seeing Hisoka’s dead body. Before the bomb puppets went near him, Hisoka was already surrounded by 200 other normal puppets which were already under the command from Chrollo to attack Hisoka. Surrounded by the normal puppets helped in mitigating the serious effects of the bomb. Their flesh acted as a cushion thus Hisoka retained his body structure.

He also summarized that cause of death is due to suffocation by Oxygen deprivation caused by the explosion and the wall of puppet flesh over his body. Thus the group of Shalnark, Machi, and Kortopi confirmed the death of Hisoka.

Hisoka’s Revival

Machi tried to stitch the dead body of Hisoka to a clean state as Hisoka paid her in advance. During this time, Hisoka Aura was visible shocking Machi. Nen can be retained even after death which was shown in Greed Island and more conclusively in Neferpitou’s puppet.

Similarly, Hisoka just before his death conditioned his nen to revive his heart and liver by using his Bungee Gum. He placed his hands wrapped around his heart before the bomb puppets explode. When the willpower of the user is high, nen can be invoked even after death.

After reviving he used the gum to stop the healing. Then using the “Texture surprise” he recreated the lost flesh in the battle, his left hand, and his right arm. This rubber prosthesis apparently healed him fine enough to engage in battles once again.

Hisoka’s Current Status:

After the revival, Hisoka made the decision to kill the Phantom Troupe members. He started it by killing Kortopi and then followed it with the death of Shalnark. Later he boarded the ship to the Dark Continent in which the Phantom Troupe are also present.

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Chester B.

 The late Chester Bennington is best known as the lead singer of Linkin Park, where his emotional and higher-pitched vocals accompanied the sounds of Mike Shinoda, the group’s main rapper. On July 20th, 2017, Bennington committed suicide by hanging.

It is believed that Bennington had been having a hard time dealing with the suicide of his friend, Chris Cornell, lead singer of Audioslave and Soundgarden. Bennington’s suicide happened on the day that would have been Cornell’s 53rd birthday. Fans have been mourning his loss, whose pain and passion behind his voice and music allowed him to connect with fans all over the world.

Bennington’s Troubled Upbringing

Chester Bennington has had a lot of hardship in his life, starting with his far from ideal childhood. He experienced sexual abuse when he was around seven years old, which he told Metal Hammer, destroyed by self-confidence. “Like most people, I was too afraid to say anything. I didn’t want people to think I was gay or that I was lying. It was a horrible experience.”

His parents then divorced at the age of 11 and he had to move in with his father. At an attempt to numb his pain and loneliness, Bennington turned to substance abuse. He started abusing alcohol , marijuana, opium and more. He told Metal Hammer, “I was on 11 hits of acid a day. I dropped so much acid I’m surprised I can still speak.”

When he reached his teenage years, Chester Bennington had developed a heavy methamphetamine and cocaine habit. He moved in with his mother when he turned seventeen, which is when she caught him using drugs and forbade him to leave the house. In the interview, Bennington recalled, “my mom said I looked like I stepped out of Auschwitz. So I used pot to get off drugs. Every time I’d get a craving, I’d smoke my pot.”

In order to make some money, Bennington started to work at Burger King and other odd jobs. In 1992, a gang broke into his friend’s house where he was using drugs and pistol-whipped his friends, which caused him to leave drugs behind. However, addiction eventually found its way back into this life later on.

Bennington continued to dream of being a rock star – a dream that he had had ever since he was a child. He ended up joining a local Band called Grey Daze as their lead singer in 1993. The band developed a generous following with fans in the Phoenix area, however, Bennington became increasingly dissatisfied with the group and eventually left in the late 90s due to creative differences.

Linkin Park and Musical Success

Chester Bennington packed his bags and moved to Los Angeles. In 1999, he became the final member of the expanding rap-metal act called Linkin Park. Bennington was actually the one who came up with the band’s name replacing their former name Hybrid Theory, which became the title of their debut album. Hybrid Theory hurled Bennington’s musical talent into the limelight and gave him the much-deserved recognition as one of the 21st centuries most iconic music figures.

Bennington was known for his high-pitched and emotional screaming, which often talked about his feelings of disconnect from the world. His addiction came back into the picture during the early stages of Linkin Park’s success. In an interview with The Guardian, Shinoda said, The tours we did in the beginning, everybody was either drinking or doing drugs. I can’t think of any that were sober.

However, Chester Bennington ditched drugs in 2006 and celebrated his continued sobriety in the late 2000s. In a 2009 interview with Spin, Bennington said, “It’s not cool to be an alcoholic it’s not cool to drink and be a dumbass. It’s cool to be a part of recovery, most of my work has been a reflection of what I’ve been going through in one way or another.”

Aside from his work with Linkin Park, Bennington had side projects including Dead by Sunrise and supergroup Kings of Chaos. He also fronted Stone Temple Pilots from 2013 to 2015. In 2015 he left Stone Temple Pilots so that he could focus on his family and Linkin Park.

Even though Bennington achieved great success with Linkin Park and his various collaborations, he always made an effort to remain grounded. In 2016, Bennington told Metal Hammer, “The idea that success equals happiness pisses me off. It’s funny to think that just because you’re successful you’re now immune to the full range of the human experience.”

The News of Bennington’s Death

Despite Chester Bennington’s openness about his battles with addiction and depression, those closest to him were shocked to hear about his suicide. Some of his friends feel as though they might have overlooked signs of Bennington’s dark side, or what he called his dark passenger. His friends said he suffered a relapse that lasted for three days in August, which caused him to black out from alcohol, and he had been drinking again since October.

In an interview with Music Choice in February, Bennington said, “I have a hard time with life. Even when it’s good, I am just uncomfortable all the time. The opening line, I don’t like my mind right now like that is me 24 hours a day. And if I get stuck in here, like, I just find it really hard. It doesn’t have to be.”

Bennington’s death continues to resonate amongst his fans, who experienced a worldwide shock wave when the news became public. The number of calls that the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline received on the day his suicide became public increased by 14 percent.

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Itachi Uchiha

 It’s likely that you don’t know much about Itachi Uchiha unless you’re a fan of Naruto. The character however is pretty awesome if you just read about him or watch the show. His capabilities and powers are simply amazing and his part in his own story is so tragic that it seems almost Shakespearean in nature. Itachi is kind of a complicated soul that wants nothing but to be Hokage, though this is a secret desire that few if any really know. He believes in the workings of good though he doesn’t quite follow them as much as one might think given his ideals. As a person that would rather not start conflict he is very good at ending it quickly and will likely be the one standing at the end. As characters go he’s the kind of villain that you would almost want to root for despite the fact that he does is quite heinous.

Monday, June 13, 2022

Anya Forger (Spy x Family)

 Anya is a small, young woman with fair complexion and green eyes. Loid describes her as looking between four and five years aged at the earliest. Her eyes are large and oval with large eyelashes. The blonde has shoulder-length curly hair in pink that flicks upwards with a fringe that extends just over her eyes. Anya is significantly shorter than the majority of her peers and a lot of the insults Damian and his companions direct at her are directed towards her tiny size.

When Loid first met Anya for first time in the orphanage, she wore a basic black dress that had an white ribbon on the front, and white, folded-down socks along with black footwear. Additionally, she wore two black hairpieces that have bright yellow accents which resemble horns of small size around her head. Anya will never be noticed with her hair ornaments off, not even while sleeping.

The school is Eden Academy, Anya wears the usual uniform, with high-heeled white socks, and the black Mary Janes. The school bag she carries is an old brown bag with the keychain of a sheep. In class for physical education, Anya also ties her hair back using the red hairband. She wears the gym uniform of her school and white socks and gym shoes.

In her younger years her hair was a little shorter. She did not wear hair accessories with horns rather hair was tied in small buns on the back of her head. Additionally, she wore clothing that was reminiscent of scrubs.

Since she’s only a child, Anya is very impressionable to those who surround her. For example, she could be able to read Loid’s thoughts and following his actions in ways that he was unable to comprehend and also getting to punch Yor. Because of her telepathic powers, she could be ostracized her from her friends and numerous adoption homes immediately became a part of “Twilight” as a true spy. Since she was adopted, she was eager to travel wherever Loid was in the hopes of seeing the spy-related stuff that she sees on television. However, following The events in chapter 1 she’s come to realize the rigors of espionage, and has stopped interfering with Loid’s spying. She’s very clever, adept at spelling words on her own and help Loid out in the best way she can. She even pushes Loid Yor and Yor together. She loves watching spy movies and her most favorite is “Spy Wars” and is regularly observed watching them when she is able.

Anya has long been wishing for a family that loves her due to the fact that her parents have probably left her. The result is certain issues with abandonment, and she was crying at the thought of Loid taking her place and begging for him to not leave her alone. It is further confirmed by the fact that she has lied about her age in order that she could be taken in by Loid so that he could fulfill his job.

As being an experimental subject Anya fears being told that she is an telepath. This has led to her developing profound mental scars at an extremely young age.

Because she was born as an experiment subject Anya isn’t equipped with well-developed social skills and is unable to be a normal person to talk to. Due to this, she is prone to be honest, constantly talking about and reacting to people’s internal thoughts, which can cause her to engage in involuntary conflict with people. But, Anya possesses a kind and compassionate side. This was evident by her ability to calm the cow following his telepathy, which scared.

Adopted by Loid and creating an extended family with him and Yor has brought Anya feel truly content. Thanks to being in a position to live the simple and tranquil life she’s always longed to be a part of, but was removed from her.

Sunday, June 12, 2022


 It was one thing to make a mistake; it was another thing to keep making it. I knew what happened when you let yourself get close to someone, when you started to believe they loved you: you'd be disappointed. Depend on someone, and you might as well admit you're going to be crushed, because when you really needed them, they wouldn't be there. Either that, or you'd confide in them and you added to their problems. All you ever really had was yourself, and that sort of sucked if you were less than reliable.

         Trust your instincts, and make judgements on what your heart tells you. The heart will not betray you. To be careless in making decisions is to naively believe that a single decision impacts nothing more than that single decision, for a single decision can spawn a thousand others that were entirely unnecessary or it can bring peace to a thousand places we never knew existed.

       Some choices are better than others and we, as mortal humans, cannot be expected to always choose the best ones. What we can control is how we evaluate past decisions. Our readiness to reflect and realize that we were wrong. Our ability to admit our wrongs and move forward. To say we are sorry or make amends for mistakes. To apply what we’ve learned from past follies and choose wiser in the present. I contend that in a random and often chaotic world of choices, that is what we can control.

       Imagine a world full of people who take their choices seriously, carefully weighing the options presented to them. I wonder where we would be if people put as much thought into their decision-making process as they do so many other things in their lives. Use Discretion & Good Judgment. Don't share your most embarrassing moments with public exposure. Doing what is right is not always easy.

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

The Charitable Side of the Man in Black: Johnny Cash

 Born to a poor Arkansas farming community in depression era America, Johnny Cash was raised with a strong sense of empathy for the downtrodden. While he lived a life of ups and downs, filled with contradictions and complications, one thing held true throughout his entire life: his sense of responsibility and charity to his fellow man. In the words of his biographer, Michael Streissguth, "I think Cash had a feeling that somehow he had been endowed with this fame in order to do something with it." And, time and again, that’s what he did. Using his fame and the resources that came with it as a tool to help make the world a better place, he would help others and advance causes he believed in.

       Cash had a soft spot for children in need; one that took root when he was in the Air Force and blossomed as he matured over the years. As a very young air force soldier, John R. Cash was stationed in West Germany where he rose to the rank of Staff Sergeant and served as a Morse Code operator, intercepting Soviet Army transmissions. In his spare time, he would write short stories, love letters to his then-wife Vivian Cash, and play music around town with his band the Landsberg Barbarians. It was also during this stint in West Germany that Cash witnessed the building of the first SOS Children's Village in Germany, just south of Munich, introducing Cash to their concept of caring for children who could no longer live with their families. This struck a chord in Johnny that still rang years later when he found fame and fortune.

         Cash and second wife, June Carter, actively supported the construction of an SOS Children’s Village in Jamaica, on a plot of land in Barrett Town not far from their own holiday home. The country music star later dedicated one of his songs, “The Ballad of Annie Palmer,” to the children of the village, donating all royalties from the song to the SOS Children’s Village. When discussing his decision to make this contribution, Cash said, "It will mean that more abandoned children can have hope, find love and have a future." As often as possible, Johnny and June would visit the village, Cash usually bringing his guitar and singing with the children. While he focused on helping build and develop the Jamaican SOS Children’s Home, the Man in Black kept close ties with the Munich home. In 1994, he invited a group from the SOS Children’s Village to a concert on his European tour, meeting with them after the show. Even in death his fame helped fund this cause that was so dear to his heart. On September 12th of 2003, just four months after June Carter died, Johnny Cash passed away. His family asked that, in lieu of sending flowers for his grave, friends and fans make a donation in his name to the SOS Children’s Villages and that they did. The organization was bolstered by a wave of donations made in the name of the Man in Black and the Cash family maintains continued involvement with the charity the so impassioned their father. Johann Denk, director of SOS Children's Villages Jamaica said of Cash, after his passing, ”We have been friends and neighbors. Children always need idols, and Johnny Cash is one of them." 

        A man of many hats and many talents, being a philanthropist with his time and resources was a huge part of who Johnny Cash was and is part of the legacy that his family continues today. A flawed man who grew up knowing what it is to struggle, he used his fame and the wealth that came with it to help those in need, child and man, alike. In the words of his daughter, Rosanne Cash, “Johnny Cash was a man whose heart beat with the rhythm of love and social justice.”

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

How is Hidan immortal?

 Hidan was a former member of Akatsuki, paired alongside Kakuzu. He had an immortal body due to which physical attacks didn’t affect him and he stayed alive even after his own head got decapacitated. There isn’t a whole lot of information about Hidan’s immortality and is never explained in the canon story. But there are sources such as fanbook and Boruto Anime which give us insights about Jashin and immortality.

     Hidan is immortal due to a secret Ninjutsu that involves sacrifices of people and is acquired due to successful experiments done in the name of Jashinism. Though Hidan specifies his immortality as a power due to his way of Jashin, it is actually just one of forbidden Jutsu requiring several sacrifices.

    Hidan comes from the village of Hot water, Yukagakure. The village at one point went from the Shinobi system and tried to use its village as a tourist location to thrive economically. Hidan didn’t like this and decided to murder several people and joined a cult that synced with his ideals.

    The cult he joined was called Jashin, who worshipped a deity with the same name. Their primary teaching is outright murder, and anything less than utter destruction is considered a sin. This is where he achieved the secret Ninjutsu to achieve immortality.

Immortality Jutsu Explained

     It is stated that Hidan is the first successful case to acquire so we can assume that nobody else has an immortal body due to Jashin. His complete belief in The Way of Jashin is due to him acquiring immortality. In a way, it is similar to the Summoning: Impure World Reincarnation technique that summons dead people back to the real world by using a living body.

     In Boruto – Next Generations, Kakashi, Guy, and Mira (daughter of Asuma) go to the Land of Hot water for a mission. Ryuki, a member of Land of Hot Water and also a follower of Jashin and Hidan tries to attain immortality by sacrificing several young girls. From this, it is pretty clear that several living people have to be sacrificed for attaining immortality.

Monday, June 6, 2022

ignorant ones in Islam

 Ignorant ones are too ignorant to speak to them unless It is that His servant say good only to these people. when an ignorant person would address the Prophet (PBUH) in arrogance and continued their arrogance, this only increased the forbearance of the Prophet.

      Allah Does allow to take revenge, however His servants do not do that. They will only speak good that is proper and upright. Attention is also being drawn to the two patterns of character and life; first of those who had accepted the message of the Holy Prophet and followed it, the second of those persisted in the ways of ignorance. 

      True servant of Allah do not believe in vengeance. Even though they will have to deal with ignorant people, wish them peace and turn away.  

Sunday, June 5, 2022

Walking humbly

Walking humbly does not mean working like a weak or sick person nor it is the way for a hypocrite to show his fear of Allah. According to tradition the Holy Prophet himself used to work with firm quick steps. In this connection, the first characteristic of the true servant of Allah to attention has been drawn is their gait. This is because the gate indicates the character of an individual. According to the verse the servants of the merciful can be easily recognized by their gait among the people their attitude of a last worship and obedience has changed them so thoroughly that it can be seen at first sight from their gait that they are noble humble and good-natured people cannot be expected to indulge in any mischief.

Saturday, June 4, 2022

Incorrect manner of walking in Islam

At the time of  Caliphate of Hazrat Umar (R.A), he witnessed a young man walking slowly in a very weak manner. Hazrat Umar (R.A) asked the man if he was in or anything, the man said no. So Hazrat Umar (R.A) told the man to walk straight and not like this. Although he was working in a weak manner it can be shown that one is being proud when the prophet Muhammad used to walk walk he would walk firmly towards his destination.

        Allah Dislikes the trait of arrogance within his believers the cloak of Allah is pride therefore we should not come near it as only Allah has the right to be arrogant in Quran à la Seis many times that is not Jahanum the Place for Mutakabbirin.

Friday, June 3, 2022

Being Nice Costs $0.000000000000

People think it is cool to be rude when they need to know that they are just being mannerless, not cool. being nice and being kind costs nothing but you get respect in return. people will feel comfortable around you if you are nice. They will want to be friends with you and will talk nice about you behind your back. you will be in good books of everyone. Being kind and using kind words can even save lives sometimes. many have self acceptance issue and your kind words might help them feel better. 

Also, being kind will make you look way more prettier than usual <3

Thursday, June 2, 2022

dreams and wishes

He had dreams. He knew what he had to do in life but he lacked something. He lacked support. He was all alone against the world. The pressure he had not to pursue his dreams made him give up one day. It made him so quiet that no one ever heard him ever again. He gave up on trying to tell what his heart desires because he knew no one will understand and no one wants to understand in this stupid realistic world. This frustrating life was worth ending. He did not give a second thought just like everyone else never thought of the consequences of oppressing and pressurizing him especially his parents. He could not even rely on his parents. all he wanted was to hear 'we are proud of you son, you have all our support.' A young boy who yet had to see the world ends his life and the world moves on like it was just some other ordinary death. 

Neil Perry, Dead Poets Society

Wednesday, June 1, 2022



Curley, Crow Nation, 1883.

Curley was one of several Native American Indian scouts who rode with the Seventh Cavalry led by Lt.-Col. George Armstrong Custer in 1876. The Crow tribe regularly served in U.S. Army scouts during the 1870s. This photograph was taken in 1883, seven years after the Battle of the Little Bighorn.

         Apparently he was the only survivor of Custer's last stand, and the first to report his defeat. The Crow served as scouts for the Army in the Great Sioux War, because the were in conflict with the Sioux. It's seems a shame both tribes didn't unite against their common enemy, but I don't know a lot about that part of U.S. history.

         Incidentally one of the other Crow scouts was named White Man Runs Him. Which is not some race traitor epithet, but refers to some incident when he was a kid and stole candy from a store, and was chased by a white man. His family witnessed it, started calling him that, and the name stuck.

          I am always struck by the dignity conveyed by older photographs of native Americans. If you read the first accounts by Europeans, they were overawed by their physical beauty, health, and freedom-loving attitude. One wonders what kind of societies they may have created if the Columbian exchange was not so disastrous for them, with 90 percent of the population dying of diseases to which they had little resistance, plus the long, grinding expropriation and genocide over centuries. And it must be impossibly infuriating for them, now, to see European Americans heedless of the awful history that led to the world we now know.

Tuesday, May 31, 2022


 Y’all ever wonder how strange and creepy must be the outer world? I mean the space? Sound doesn’t travel in space, so much silence as if you’re deaf also not forgetting about the black hole :D the mighty black hole. The time slows down as you get closer to it. Once the black hole gets you, it sucks you in changing you into particles and also never to be seen again. It even pulls in stars. This is so cool. I did a little more research on how fast a person dies due to a black hole and the research says that theoretically you won't make it into a black hole before spaghettifying. The reason for this is, as you approach the black hole, around the horizon, the tidal effects will stretch you out into a spaghetti form. This will be as a result of the differing gravitational force experienced by your body parts. Your legs will feel a stronger pull than your head and given the strength of a black hole’s gravity you will be stretched into spaghetti form this is what is referred to as spaghettifying.

    While to those at relatively far distance from the black hole, you will appear to never fall inside the black hole as time dilation will cause your time to appear slowly almost close to statism.

    Indeed your death will be one very long event and one that generations and generations on earth will witness as you will always appear to be in the blackhole horizon and never falling inside.

     While we may not know what is inside a black hole, you will the first human to get a closer look just that you won’t be able to make sense of it nor report this record breaking achievement of mankind as you would have practically lost consciousness with your brain liquefied. This has to be an instant death to you but should not be faster than light speed, at least that will be your only consolation. A death that you will not even realize when you started dying.

Guys I think black hole is the right place for me. (c" ತ,_ತ)

Sunday, May 29, 2022

Russia in the Early Twentieth Century

 Russia at the turn of the twentieth century was a large-scale agrarian society that was much more economically backward than the societies of Western Europe. Politically it had formed itself into an empire that extended into other parts of Europe and Asia. Most Russians, about 80–85 percent, were peasants. In 1649 Russia legally established serfdom, and by the mid eighteenth century over half of the peasants were serfs. Serfdom was officially abolished in 1861, but this brought about no real improvement in the economic status of former serfs and in some cases made things even worse. Their lives continued much as before. The peasants held much of their land communally, and there was a village council, the Mir, that made decisions about how the land was to be farmed and a variety of other aspects of peasant life. The majority of peasants lived in an extremely backward state and had little contact with the larger society. Many peasants still used wooden plows and relied on other highly antiquated farming techniques. They lived in little more than huts, slept on their stoves, and shared their houses with their animals. The peasant economy was at a mere subsistence level, if that. Many peasants had to hire themselves out as seasonal workers in such activities as agriculture, mining, and construction in order to make ends meet. The level of peasant discontent was very high and was one of the key elements of the revolutionary turmoil that was to come. Russia was a late industrializer, industrialization having begun only around 1890. On the eve of the Revolution of 1917, Russia was still an overwhelmingly agrarian society with a very small working class. The industrial working class emerged from the peasantry, and most Russians classified as workers worked only seasonally, farming the rest of the year. In fact, the majority of Russia’s factories were placed in the countryside in order to make access to workers easier. A full-time industrial working class living in cities developed only in mining and in such technology- intensive industries as metallurgy and machine building. In 1900 the full-time working class constituted less than 1 percent of the population. The rest of the non-peasant population consisted of clergy, government officials, and the bourgeoisie in the broadest sense (i.e., not only businessmen but also professionals and civil servants of various types). Politically, Russia had an extremely autocratic state headed by the tsar who, until 1905, claimed unlimited power. By this time many of the absolutist states of Western Europe had given way to parliamentary and democratic institutions, but Russia was nowhere near these political achievements. The tsar not only refused to allow any representatives from the population to have a political voice but made it a criminal offense even to question his authority. Another contrast with Western Europe was that Western European monarchs respected private property, especially that of private landlords. But in Russia, the tsar owned everything.

The tsar established a large bureaucracy to protect his rule. An integral part of this bureaucracy was the police department, which played the dual role of maintaining law and order among the general population and protecting the state from popular unrest and potential rebellion. That branch of the department concerned with protecting the state against the people had extraordinary powers to enforce political conformity: It could engage in open or secret surveillance, search and arrest, imprisonment, and, by administrative fiat—that is, without trial—exile for periods of up to five years. Through a network of agents, it penetrated every facet of the country’s life; its foreign branches even tracked émigrés. Such measures were considered necessary to counteract an unprecedented wave of political terrorism by radical extremists, which in the decade preceding World War I claimed the lives of thousands of government officials. They made late tsarist Russia in many respects the prototype of a modern police state. Russia also maintained a standing army of some 1.4 million men, the largest in the world. For hundreds of years Russia was one of the most militaristic societies in Europe and the world, engaging in numerous wars. However, the army was also employed for political repression, frequently being used for putting down internal disturbances. Political Parties and Revolutionary Thought Political parties were illegal, but they began to emerge nevertheless toward the end of the nineteenth century. In 1883, a group known as the Liberation of Labor was founded by several Russian exiles living in Switzerland. A prominent member of this group was Georgi Plekhanov, a major Marxist intellectual who translated Marx’s works into Russian. Some years later this organization was transformed into the Russian Social Democratic Party, a party that favored the transition to a socialist economy. At a meeting held in 1903, the party split over who was to lead it. A major leader of the Social Democrats, Vladimir Ilich Lenin, argued that only the most vigorous party activists should be involved in governing it. Lenin argued against full democratic participation by the party’s rank and file because he thought such participation would make it easy for the tsar’s secret police to repress its activities. When the party voted on this issue, Lenin lost, but the candidates Lenin was supporting for the party’s central committees won. After this point Lenin and his supporters came to be known as the Bolsheviks, and their opponents, led by Plekhanov and Leon Trotsky, the Mensheviks. This split widened over time.

The Bolsheviks and Mensheviks were divided on more than just how the Social Democratic Party should be run. They both supported a transition to socialism, but they disagreed on how that should be achieved. The Mensheviks stayed closer to the thinking of Marx, who argued that socialism could develop only after capitalism had reached a highly advanced form. Advanced capitalism was a prerequisite for socialism, Marx had argued, because only capitalism was capable of leading a society to a high enough level of industrialization to produce a large amount of wealth. In Marx’s view, a society could not go directly from a feudal or agrarian stage to socialism without first passing through industrialized capitalism. The Mensheviks therefore favored a political strategy that was gradualist and that concentrated on developing capitalism in Russia before attempting a socialist revolution. The Bolsheviks took a much harder line and were impatient. They thought it was possible to create a peasant-worker alliance that would be capable of overthrowing the Tsarist state and leading Russia into a highly industrialized form of socialism. The Bolsheviks wanted to establish a “dictatorship of the proletariat,” or a one-party political system that would be led by a revolutionary vanguard—a small number of the most committed socialist intellectuals. They borrowed this phrase from Marx, who had used it to describe the political system of socialism in its transitional phase. This dictatorship was needed to raise the consciousness of workers and make them truly revolutionary. Left to themselves, workers would develop only a “trade union consciousness,” which would favor reform over revolution and, hence, the acceptance of capitalism rather than its overthrow.

Saturday, May 28, 2022

Five minutes left

 Five minutes left till I can submit my blog. And I have run out of ideas. This is so frustrating. I really need to get a little social so I never run out of ideas, beautiful ideas instead of writing such gothic blogs. Three minutes left now. I really hope I get good grades on this. Two minutes left. Ma'am will kill me for writing such a useless blog. One minute left. I will stop writing as soon as it is 12 A.M because that is the deadli-

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Am I actually adopted?

 “YOU ARE ADOPTED!!!” My brother yelled as he noticed my mother ignoring me for the fourth time as she was busy with her work. I yelled back “NO I'M NOT”.  “Yes you are!!!” He exclaimed, “You came in mail from Guantanamo Jail”. 

These things really don’t bother me because if I’m adopted, what if I’m from a royal family? Or some other cool family? What if I have blue blood? Khair, I know this is what all siblings do :) 

He says I’m the reason 911 happened 🥲 I tell him he’s the ugliest in the family. But I know we all ugly xD

Wednesday, May 25, 2022


 I see her every night. Sometimes she stands besides my bed, sometimes she stares through my window. She even once sat in my closet that was crack open and stared through it. First I was uncomfortable with her being in my room since I don’t share my room with anyone. Now I’m okay with it, at least there’s company. Everyone says I’m hallucinating but I know she is real. She sometimes get violent, she throws my stuff across the room and some of them break. 

I think ghost can have human like traits. She has feelings too. If I’m good with her, she will be good with me and vice versa. I think I am getting attached to her. I don’t want to deprive my life off her and I’ll cut off with the whole whole world if necessary. She is way more loyal and honest than any of you humans can ever be. Better to have a ghost in your life than pathetic humans. 

Tuesday, May 24, 2022


SpongeBob is one of the most positive characters in the history of cartoons. In this world full of evil, SpongeBob stays positive, but his optimistic behavior still does not bring any change in the hearts of people around him. His colleague, Squidward, was the meanest one to SpongeBob, but SpongeBob still always dealt with him in a kind way.

What SpongeBob appears to be is a kind person, but who knows what goes on in his heart and mind. What if he also desires a positive reaction from the people around him? What if he wants to be dealt with as kindly as he deals with others? The thing is, in this modern era, people are too ruthless to show a peaceful and loving reaction.

SpongeBob is the kind of character who is kind no matter the kind of reaction he gets. He's full of joy, and represents hope, that there is still some hope left in humanity.

My idea of a perfect day

Probably every normal human being thinks that a perfect day is when you socialize, meet friends, go out, be happy and do something productive. Such a cliché concept it is pfffttt. let me bring some change in the society by introducing a new idea of a Perfect Day. so what makes my day perfect is spending time on my own doing stuff I like that includes;
  • not stepping out of my room for the entire day
  • not having anyone to talk to
  • having lots of snacks 
  • not drawing the curtains open to let in sunlight
  • keeping the lights in my room off
  • sitting in the dark binge watching and munching on my favorite snacks  
For many, this might not be a perfect day but the actual definition of a perfect day should be a day that makes you happy, a day that you spend according to your own will. 

All is valid

The way you have mixed feelings about your parents is valid. You might have loving parents, who love you with all their being but the mental...