Tuesday, May 31, 2022


 Y’all ever wonder how strange and creepy must be the outer world? I mean the space? Sound doesn’t travel in space, so much silence as if you’re deaf also not forgetting about the black hole :D the mighty black hole. The time slows down as you get closer to it. Once the black hole gets you, it sucks you in changing you into particles and also never to be seen again. It even pulls in stars. This is so cool. I did a little more research on how fast a person dies due to a black hole and the research says that theoretically you won't make it into a black hole before spaghettifying. The reason for this is, as you approach the black hole, around the horizon, the tidal effects will stretch you out into a spaghetti form. This will be as a result of the differing gravitational force experienced by your body parts. Your legs will feel a stronger pull than your head and given the strength of a black hole’s gravity you will be stretched into spaghetti form this is what is referred to as spaghettifying.

    While to those at relatively far distance from the black hole, you will appear to never fall inside the black hole as time dilation will cause your time to appear slowly almost close to statism.

    Indeed your death will be one very long event and one that generations and generations on earth will witness as you will always appear to be in the blackhole horizon and never falling inside.

     While we may not know what is inside a black hole, you will the first human to get a closer look just that you won’t be able to make sense of it nor report this record breaking achievement of mankind as you would have practically lost consciousness with your brain liquefied. This has to be an instant death to you but should not be faster than light speed, at least that will be your only consolation. A death that you will not even realize when you started dying.

Guys I think black hole is the right place for me. (c" ತ,_ತ)

Sunday, May 29, 2022

Russia in the Early Twentieth Century

 Russia at the turn of the twentieth century was a large-scale agrarian society that was much more economically backward than the societies of Western Europe. Politically it had formed itself into an empire that extended into other parts of Europe and Asia. Most Russians, about 80–85 percent, were peasants. In 1649 Russia legally established serfdom, and by the mid eighteenth century over half of the peasants were serfs. Serfdom was officially abolished in 1861, but this brought about no real improvement in the economic status of former serfs and in some cases made things even worse. Their lives continued much as before. The peasants held much of their land communally, and there was a village council, the Mir, that made decisions about how the land was to be farmed and a variety of other aspects of peasant life. The majority of peasants lived in an extremely backward state and had little contact with the larger society. Many peasants still used wooden plows and relied on other highly antiquated farming techniques. They lived in little more than huts, slept on their stoves, and shared their houses with their animals. The peasant economy was at a mere subsistence level, if that. Many peasants had to hire themselves out as seasonal workers in such activities as agriculture, mining, and construction in order to make ends meet. The level of peasant discontent was very high and was one of the key elements of the revolutionary turmoil that was to come. Russia was a late industrializer, industrialization having begun only around 1890. On the eve of the Revolution of 1917, Russia was still an overwhelmingly agrarian society with a very small working class. The industrial working class emerged from the peasantry, and most Russians classified as workers worked only seasonally, farming the rest of the year. In fact, the majority of Russia’s factories were placed in the countryside in order to make access to workers easier. A full-time industrial working class living in cities developed only in mining and in such technology- intensive industries as metallurgy and machine building. In 1900 the full-time working class constituted less than 1 percent of the population. The rest of the non-peasant population consisted of clergy, government officials, and the bourgeoisie in the broadest sense (i.e., not only businessmen but also professionals and civil servants of various types). Politically, Russia had an extremely autocratic state headed by the tsar who, until 1905, claimed unlimited power. By this time many of the absolutist states of Western Europe had given way to parliamentary and democratic institutions, but Russia was nowhere near these political achievements. The tsar not only refused to allow any representatives from the population to have a political voice but made it a criminal offense even to question his authority. Another contrast with Western Europe was that Western European monarchs respected private property, especially that of private landlords. But in Russia, the tsar owned everything.

The tsar established a large bureaucracy to protect his rule. An integral part of this bureaucracy was the police department, which played the dual role of maintaining law and order among the general population and protecting the state from popular unrest and potential rebellion. That branch of the department concerned with protecting the state against the people had extraordinary powers to enforce political conformity: It could engage in open or secret surveillance, search and arrest, imprisonment, and, by administrative fiat—that is, without trial—exile for periods of up to five years. Through a network of agents, it penetrated every facet of the country’s life; its foreign branches even tracked émigrés. Such measures were considered necessary to counteract an unprecedented wave of political terrorism by radical extremists, which in the decade preceding World War I claimed the lives of thousands of government officials. They made late tsarist Russia in many respects the prototype of a modern police state. Russia also maintained a standing army of some 1.4 million men, the largest in the world. For hundreds of years Russia was one of the most militaristic societies in Europe and the world, engaging in numerous wars. However, the army was also employed for political repression, frequently being used for putting down internal disturbances. Political Parties and Revolutionary Thought Political parties were illegal, but they began to emerge nevertheless toward the end of the nineteenth century. In 1883, a group known as the Liberation of Labor was founded by several Russian exiles living in Switzerland. A prominent member of this group was Georgi Plekhanov, a major Marxist intellectual who translated Marx’s works into Russian. Some years later this organization was transformed into the Russian Social Democratic Party, a party that favored the transition to a socialist economy. At a meeting held in 1903, the party split over who was to lead it. A major leader of the Social Democrats, Vladimir Ilich Lenin, argued that only the most vigorous party activists should be involved in governing it. Lenin argued against full democratic participation by the party’s rank and file because he thought such participation would make it easy for the tsar’s secret police to repress its activities. When the party voted on this issue, Lenin lost, but the candidates Lenin was supporting for the party’s central committees won. After this point Lenin and his supporters came to be known as the Bolsheviks, and their opponents, led by Plekhanov and Leon Trotsky, the Mensheviks. This split widened over time.

The Bolsheviks and Mensheviks were divided on more than just how the Social Democratic Party should be run. They both supported a transition to socialism, but they disagreed on how that should be achieved. The Mensheviks stayed closer to the thinking of Marx, who argued that socialism could develop only after capitalism had reached a highly advanced form. Advanced capitalism was a prerequisite for socialism, Marx had argued, because only capitalism was capable of leading a society to a high enough level of industrialization to produce a large amount of wealth. In Marx’s view, a society could not go directly from a feudal or agrarian stage to socialism without first passing through industrialized capitalism. The Mensheviks therefore favored a political strategy that was gradualist and that concentrated on developing capitalism in Russia before attempting a socialist revolution. The Bolsheviks took a much harder line and were impatient. They thought it was possible to create a peasant-worker alliance that would be capable of overthrowing the Tsarist state and leading Russia into a highly industrialized form of socialism. The Bolsheviks wanted to establish a “dictatorship of the proletariat,” or a one-party political system that would be led by a revolutionary vanguard—a small number of the most committed socialist intellectuals. They borrowed this phrase from Marx, who had used it to describe the political system of socialism in its transitional phase. This dictatorship was needed to raise the consciousness of workers and make them truly revolutionary. Left to themselves, workers would develop only a “trade union consciousness,” which would favor reform over revolution and, hence, the acceptance of capitalism rather than its overthrow.

Saturday, May 28, 2022

Five minutes left

 Five minutes left till I can submit my blog. And I have run out of ideas. This is so frustrating. I really need to get a little social so I never run out of ideas, beautiful ideas instead of writing such gothic blogs. Three minutes left now. I really hope I get good grades on this. Two minutes left. Ma'am will kill me for writing such a useless blog. One minute left. I will stop writing as soon as it is 12 A.M because that is the deadli-

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Am I actually adopted?

 “YOU ARE ADOPTED!!!” My brother yelled as he noticed my mother ignoring me for the fourth time as she was busy with her work. I yelled back “NO I'M NOT”.  “Yes you are!!!” He exclaimed, “You came in mail from Guantanamo Jail”. 

These things really don’t bother me because if I’m adopted, what if I’m from a royal family? Or some other cool family? What if I have blue blood? Khair, I know this is what all siblings do :) 

He says I’m the reason 911 happened 🥲 I tell him he’s the ugliest in the family. But I know we all ugly xD

Wednesday, May 25, 2022


 I see her every night. Sometimes she stands besides my bed, sometimes she stares through my window. She even once sat in my closet that was crack open and stared through it. First I was uncomfortable with her being in my room since I don’t share my room with anyone. Now I’m okay with it, at least there’s company. Everyone says I’m hallucinating but I know she is real. She sometimes get violent, she throws my stuff across the room and some of them break. 

I think ghost can have human like traits. She has feelings too. If I’m good with her, she will be good with me and vice versa. I think I am getting attached to her. I don’t want to deprive my life off her and I’ll cut off with the whole whole world if necessary. She is way more loyal and honest than any of you humans can ever be. Better to have a ghost in your life than pathetic humans. 

Tuesday, May 24, 2022


SpongeBob is one of the most positive characters in the history of cartoons. In this world full of evil, SpongeBob stays positive, but his optimistic behavior still does not bring any change in the hearts of people around him. His colleague, Squidward, was the meanest one to SpongeBob, but SpongeBob still always dealt with him in a kind way.

What SpongeBob appears to be is a kind person, but who knows what goes on in his heart and mind. What if he also desires a positive reaction from the people around him? What if he wants to be dealt with as kindly as he deals with others? The thing is, in this modern era, people are too ruthless to show a peaceful and loving reaction.

SpongeBob is the kind of character who is kind no matter the kind of reaction he gets. He's full of joy, and represents hope, that there is still some hope left in humanity.

My idea of a perfect day

Probably every normal human being thinks that a perfect day is when you socialize, meet friends, go out, be happy and do something productive. Such a cliché concept it is pfffttt. let me bring some change in the society by introducing a new idea of a Perfect Day. so what makes my day perfect is spending time on my own doing stuff I like that includes;
  • not stepping out of my room for the entire day
  • not having anyone to talk to
  • having lots of snacks 
  • not drawing the curtains open to let in sunlight
  • keeping the lights in my room off
  • sitting in the dark binge watching and munching on my favorite snacks  
For many, this might not be a perfect day but the actual definition of a perfect day should be a day that makes you happy, a day that you spend according to your own will. 

Monday, May 23, 2022

I am glad we only live once

My trust has been misused so badly. I always feel like I’m being lied to. I don’t think I’ll ever be the same again. No matter how much my friends force me to hang out with them, I lie to them that my parents are not allowing. I have to mentally prepare myself days before I have to go out even we be talking about neighbors. 

My therapist pleaded me to come to therapy. But you see I’m at that point where I don’t want help anymore. I’ve lost interest in almost everything I used to enjoy. I’m not watching anime. I love to sing but I don’t sing anymore. I don’t play my ukulele anymore. I just pretend to be the cool kid who takes interest in everything. I don’t have the will to even live. I’m reading novels because they’re part of my course, else I’ve even lost interest in literature. I am just dragging myself through life. I am just waiting for my time to come. 

I do not feel anything anymore, I just hope my life is short. I do not care about expectations, grades, enjoyment, memories. Life was good when I could feel something, but now I cannot even cry anymore, laugh , show anger of any other emotion. I am more like a hollow person now. I also no longer feel the need to explain myself to anyone or what goes in my heart and mind. I do not want friends, expensive food and clothes and all that. I have no longer expectations from anyone. My trust has been screwed up so much that I feel like I am getting played. 

I trusted many people, there was not a single person who didn’t let me down. I really want to even cut off with the only few people I know. No one can win my heart over ever again. Now everyone thinks I am dry, I’m rude. But the thing is I’ve stopped caring. I am glad we only live once, I can’t do this again.

Sunday, May 22, 2022


  I was never close to baba neither was my brother, we still aren’t close to him. But we are a lil close to our mom. Baba’s job never gave us a chance to get attached to him. Baba shifted to Saudi Arabia when I was born. I never saw him till I grew a little and I failed to recognize him since baba was a new person to me. It was like an embarrassment for me that my baba doesn’t live with me.

 I was asthmatic and I spent most of my childhood in the hospital. My mother was and still is a working woman. She used to stay up all night since I was a really quiet kid and it was dangerous because my asthma attacks would give my family Heart attacks, my eyes would roll up and my family would get numb. Late nights in hospitals. Then staying there for weeks and not having your baba with you that moment. I used to ask amma that why isn’t my baba here with me, but why dads of other children are. Money is not important, love, compassion and staying together is. I used to ask amma when will baba come back home. Why does he live so far away and amma would just he will be back soon. Never knew I’d get used to it. His career was stupid, stupid enough to keep him away from amma my brother and I. 

Money can’t buy us happiness. My brother still had company, I didn’t, no one in school ever liked to be friends with me. And I used to think it’s because my baba isn’t around. My father would send us expensive gifts but fuck it we need you baba not your gifts. According to my brother and I, only my nani raised us, not even our amma since she was also a busy woman. Sometimes my asthmatic attacks would be so serious that amma would break down to tears and when baba would know he would drive to Makkah since he lived in Jeddah and it was about 30 minutes drive. He would go there and cry and ask for help from Allah. My naani would try her best to protect my brother and I and keep us happy. The chocolates and other gifts baba used to send us, amma would mostly give away to cousins, Naani got mad and said “in kaa baap in keh paas nai rehta, inki yeh choti si khushi hai jo inhain yeh gifts bhejta hai. In bachon ki cheezain inkeh baap ka paisa hai, sirf in ka haq” 

Whatever the consequences, my parents sacrificed a lot but for my future. I do not know who to blame but when I become a parent, I’ll make sure it all goes side by side, hard work for my children’s future and family time.

Saturday, May 21, 2022



We are all God’s creations aren’t we? Were we not all created by one God whose religion preached equality among human beings? Christianity, Judaism and Islam, the three major religions around the world preach equality and forbid discrimination in race, color, gender and cast. Unfortunately, as we all know, people have strayed from the olden paths of righteousness. Discrimination has increased to the extent of violence and killing all over the world.

African-American people, though fully capable (if not more) of performing the same jobs as white people are not giving much priority on the basis of their color. White people in effect make black people realize that the reason behind every failure in their lives is their color. They have driven people like Michael Jackson to change their color with the help of plastic surgery with disastrous results. Oppression of black people is not limited to the U.S but is in fact happening all over the world.

Discrimination of gender is also a major reason for the instigation of feminist figures all over the world. At first cruelty towards women was treated as normal and often necessary to prove one’s masculinity. Gradually women, as they gained more education, began to struggle for their rights and equal consideration  as men, despite stiff opposition in countries such as Afghanistan. Continual oppression has now produced a completely different school of thought. Feminism. One which demands instead of equality, as in the past, superiority over men. Rapidly women are gaining support in this course as the number of women in the world is increasing at a drastic rate. Rape, prostitution and less opportunities for education have sparked of one of the major revolutions in the history of the world.

Discrimination of race and caste is the oldest form of discrimination on the planet. In olden times, different families and houses fought bloody wars against each other just for the sake of an empty victory and the chance to slay the men, capture the women and sell the children of a rival family, one they believed to be inferior to them. Now people are judged according to what caste they belong to, which country they belong to and what color they are. Mass genocide of Shias, Ahmedis and Muslims in general are both national and international examples. Just because some extremists groups believe that they have the power to judge who is right and who is wrong doesn’t mean they carry out mass murders of different sects. Only God has that power. And He doesn’t use it to kill people.

Stopping discrimination should be the first priority of every country and should be discussed on international forums. Black people should be given equal rights and white people should be beseeched to consider their religion as demanding of it’s followers equality. Women should be equal status as men and men should be provided with examples of great women in the pat who changed the world as we know it. Marie Curie a brilliant scientist who discovered radian, Florence Nightingale the first love of almost every young man as the women of his dreams. A nurse helping the wounded and the sick. And last but not the least Joan of Arc, the ideal queen and a brilliant commander who lived in France and died a tragic death. Since these two forms of discrimination are the biggest long term problems the world is facing, they should be stopped first in order for the world to achieve advancement in all fields of life.

Thursday, May 19, 2022


Let me draw your attention to the plight of our Kashmiri brothers. Listen to the shots of bullets, crackles of clubs, and fierce sounds of explosions, screams of children, and sighs of mothers and silenced voices of resistance against the oppression. 

For more than seventy years have our have our fellow Muslims ben denied of their right to be sovereign. Seventy years everyone! In all these years they have made countless sacrifices, countless mothers have lost their sons. Enough blood of theirs has been spilled until now. Nevertheless the struggle goes on. 

Many might be thinking that this situation should not be affecting me. Well not only me but all of us should be concerned regarding this issue. Kashmir has got to a point that both Nuclear Crypt countries are talking about a potential nuclear war. This war can be the most deadly war to be ever witnessed by the human race. I am not exaggerating the situation; these assumptions were made in front of the world leaders back in 2019 in United Nations. 

I want us to do everything we can to prove that we are from Pakistan, a country built on the notion of self-respect, individual liberty, tolerance, democracy and most importantly, Islam, and what does Islam teach us? HUMANITY. 

Over 8 million Kashmiris have been imprisoned in their own homes. They cannot leave their homes to get medical attention or even education. 

Putting politics aside, let’s talk as humans; Kashmir deserves to be an independent state. They have suffered enough, they deserve to be free.

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Although You Never Show

Although you never show but I know what goes through that soft little heart of yours. You say you are okay but I know you are not. You always smile as if everything is perfect although you are breaking from the inside. You faken your smile. You never prioritize yourself. You always make sure others are happy neglecting your own happiness. You are too young to be going through this all. You are so strong. You deserve nothing but happiness.

You need to know that your problems are real, what you think matters, you matter, your existence matters. You don’t have to, you can cry. It is okay to cry, it is okay to let it all out. You do not have to hide your feelings, your thoughts and emotions. 

I don’t want you to ever give up. I want you to keep on trying and know that I love you. Know that This Too Shall Pass.

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Difference of Opinions


Once a wise French philosopher, Voltaire said “I may disagree with you but I will defend till death your right to say it.” But in reality, I would rather send others to death for contradicting my opinion. What the world faces today is the monster of hatred ready to gulp down everything. What severely lacks is tolerance. Bertrand Russell was once asked to give a single worded message for the future generations and he replied “tolerance”. Yes, tolerance is what is needed to give others the right of holding their opinions even if it goes against our liking or our taste. It is such a pity that we humans the master creation of Allah Ta’alah, the only creature on the face of earth to be endowed with power of reasoning can droop so low as to take lives of fellow human beings just because they are different? They speak different languages or have different skin color or different religion, cast or creed? Why are we so unwilling to accept others on their own terms and conditions and not ours? Why must the list of people who deserve to live and go have the best of everything include only those who share our opinions? We have divided the world into us versus them and coincidentally them are always those who are evil and do not deserve to live. Where does all this aggression come from? Isn’t it strange that out of all the creations humans are the only ones to suffer from purposeless aggression?

Eric Fromm, in his book Anatomy of Human Destructiveness distinguishes between two types of aggressions. One is impulsive aggression which man shares with all other animals and it comes out when they in their interests are threatened like their food and mate. This is purely biological aggression and it ceases when threat is removed. It is benign aggression. The other type is malignant aggression which manifests itself in the form of destructiveness and cruelty which is specific only to human beings but absent in other animals. We can point out that if aggression is part of our nature then we might be forgiven for intolerance. No, not at all. We are not just animals. We have the power of reasoning which tell us that it is wise to follow the policy of live and let live and to give other people the right and freedom to live as they wish and to give expression to their opinions without the fear of being persecuted.

Our world already presents a sorry picture. Half of the world is suffering from death and destruction brought to their doorsteps in the form of proxy wars and terrorism. Do we even realize that this is the result of refusing to give equal rights to those who are different from us? Everything in this world goes by its opposite. You simply cannot think of any exception to this rule even if you try hard.  This combination of opposites maintains the balance of this universe. There is no concept of light without darkness, no good without evil, no bravery without cowardice. If the universe can go on with an amazing balance between opposing forces then why can’t we? There is a beauty in diversity. Accept others as they are with their different opinions and see the magic. We must live up to the level we have been created for. We are vicegerent of Allah on this earth and not wild animals! Russell once said “If an opinion contrary to your own makes you angry that is a sign that you are subconsciously aware of having no good reason for thinking as you do”

Remember if we failed to accept opposing point of views then we cannot save humanity (which is already on the verge of annihilation) from tripping over into the abyss of ultimate destruction.

He tells her that the earth is flat 

He knows the facts, and that is that.

In altercations fierce and long

She tries her best to prove him wrong.

But he has learned to argue well.

He calls her arguments unsound

And often asks her not to yell.

She cannot win. He stands his ground.

The planet goes on being round.

Wendy Cope “Differences of Opinions”

Monday, May 16, 2022


 Nature is so beautiful; all those colors, all types of green, all types of flowers, tall trees touching the skies. All those plants giving out oxygen. All those flowers giving out the most beautiful scent ever. Oh I wish humans could understand this earth is not earth without nature. I wish humans knew that how important ozone layer is but it is got a hole in it now, why? Because we are taking this earth for granted as if there are multiple earths out there. No there are not. There is no home for us humans other than this earth. I wish governments of all countries ban cutting down trees. I know space is needed for houses schools etc. but do not cut trees down for unnecessary buildings like that one tower in Dubai ( Burj Khalifa I guess that also once had the flag of the so called state Israel) 

Nature is beautiful and healthy. People in The past used to stay so active and healthy as they used to stay near nature. There was no pollution. I wish I was born in that era. I’d stay hours in the field of dandelions painting sceneries on a big canvas.

Does not this thought make you wanna go live in a small hut near a forest? No TV no Music just the sound of birds, insects and the rustling of trees. 

I love you earth, I am sorry for what we have done to you. I am sorry for our ruthless behavior. Only if I had the power I would have returned everything we have taken from you. There will be a day when humans will find it difficult to breathe, they will realize what they have done.

Sunday, May 15, 2022



 I was born the same fateful year that divided the world into two blocks, the Muslim world and the rest of the world. September 11, 2001 or 9/11 as it is commonly called, is the day the West decided to launch a crusade or a war on terrorism as George Bush used the term against the Muslim world in general and Afghanistan and Iraq in particular. Since the terrorists who attacked the World Trade Center and Pentagon were all Muslims and Arabs. 9/11 onwards was a long story of atrocities against everyone even remotely resembling Muslims. For example a Sikh was killed in America because people mistook him for being a Muslim since he had a beard. The propaganda against Islam reached a level where panic overtook the western world and they developed an Islamophobia, a fear of Muslims.  The first thought that came to every mind was that the Islamists did it because they have deep seated vendetta against US for its support for Israel and what Israel is doing in the Middle East. We may never know the truth behind 9/11 and to what extent Bin Laden was sincere in his efforts to save Islam but one thing is for sure, we, as Muslims, members of the once mighty Muslim Ummah still haven’t come out of our golden past and we continue to see ourselves as conquerors and history makers. We haven’t come to terms with the fact that we are no longer the subject of history, we are no more the conquerors, and we are just standing helplessly on the margins of history. We somehow believe that it is our birth right to rule and this right has been usurped by scheming and cunning kafirs.

The war on terror began a new wave of US attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq, taking the war right to the heart of Muslim world in general and the Arab world in particular. If we can carefully analyze the event of the past 70 to 80 years ago we see that terrorism has come to be associated with Islam and Muslims. It is in fact referred to as Islamic terrorism. It began with Palestinian freedom struggle and continues until now. It is very unfortunate that some supporters of political Islamic movements believe in violence as a legitimate means to achieve their goals.  They not only use violence they also find support for their arguments in Islamic texts. Pakistan has been one of the worst hit countries by terrorism. We have lost thousands of lives in aimless and useless terrorist attacks. Both the killers and the victims were Muslims, both were “Kalima go”. One thing is crystal clear, Islam is neither violent nor pacifist. Quran has not taught violence against the unarmed, the old people, women, children, animals and even plants. But what we have grown up watching is quite contrary. No one is safe from terrorists in Pakistan. These terrorists claim themselves to be the upholders of divine justice. We are ourselves responsible for the image non-Muslims receive; we are no less responsible for Islamophobia. For the last few decades there has been an increasing trend of politicization of Islam. It is basically the political Islam, not the religion Islam that makes its supporters adopt terror and violence as tools of achieving their ends. History is witness to the fact that before the creation of illegitimate state of Israel, Jews and Arabs co-existed peacefully in a tolerant atmosphere for centuries.  There is no record of Jews being persecuted by the Muslims. It’s the Christians who shamelessly persecuted the Jews for more than thousands of years. Christians are even responsible for the Holocaust. Greece was under church linked dictatorships for a long time. Russia and many Latin American states have been and still are under dictatorship. Islam isn’t even responsible for those two fought world wars as not even a single Muslim state had any link with all the destruction caused by the world wars. Islamophobia is the first term invented to conceal Western imperialism. Even without Islam, the world would still have rivalries and conflicts based on ethnicity, nationalism, ambition, greed, resources, financial gains, powers, interventions and hatred of outsiders. Islamophobics will never judge Muslims positively. They will fear anyone who has a beard or has their head covered.

I have experienced good and bad both kinds of non-Muslims. I remember once in Germany I was wearing this shirt that had my name in Urdu and this boy comes up to me and says “why do you have something written on your shirt in the forbidden language?” and I asked him what he meant and he simply said that this is the language of terrorists. I told him it’s Urdu and he said that it doesn’t matter because it’s the language of Pakistan and Pakistan is a Muslim country so that makes Pakis terrorists too. I was disgusted, but the truth is we chose this for ourselves. We should be ashamed! All we can do is get triggered when people say bad stuff about Islam but we still won’t change ourselves. But till when? It hurts… it hurts a lot. The bad ones do the sins and the good ones suffer.  No one can change the image of the Muslims in the eyes of the world but us Muslims. I know it will take some time but the world will gradually see a new and strong Muslim Ummah appearing and proving the world wrong about the image they have for us Muslims and Islam.

Saturday, May 14, 2022

Those Who Forget History Are Condemned To Repeat It

 I once read somewhere that those who forget history are condemned to repeat it and I never thought I would see it happening in my life. I was in school then and could hardly understand politics. Now I comprehend chilling reality the words carry. 

We take the security that this freedom gives us for granted. We lost a part of our country some five decades ago. Losing East Pakistan was like losing our geography, our politics and our economy. It is like losing our ideology. We create independence on the basis of Islamic ideology. For of Dhaka shattered our belief in ideology of Pakistan. Ideologies do play an important role in the lives of nation but they cannot bind a nation together if all segments of a nation do not respect each other’s political lingual and cultural liberties because in such situations there is always an enemy who is ready to exploit the situation and take benefit from it.

 Unfortunately we never learnt our lesson from 1971. We never learnt that there are no permanent friends and permanent enemies. Different states have certain interests that determine their status as your friend or  foe. We are blind enough not to recognize our own interests. We lost East Pakistan because we learnt nothing from 1947. We forgot what pushed us to fight for a separate homeland.  We forgot once again so we were bound to repeat history. This time it was not part of our country that we lost but a part of our soul that was taken, a piece of our heart that died. The date was symbolic, December 16. December 16, 1971 was the day Dhaka fell and then exactly 43 years later on December 16, 2014 Army Public school in Peshawar was attacked. It was one of the darkest days of our history. More than 120 school boys brutally lost their lives just because their countrymen forgot history. APS symbolizes failure of our nation. Once again our country is on the verge of breaking up. 

We have lost thousands of lives to terrorism. We may have weakened the enemy but have not eliminated altogether. If we do not handle the situation carefully and continue to take things lightly and act blindly I am afraid we will  have to repeat history yet another time or maybe there would not be any other time‎.

Friday, May 13, 2022


Franz Kafka has always been one of my favorite authors and his life really is worth knowing because of all of the hardships he had been through. Being a critical fan of Kafka I’m glad he passed away Before Hitler started to spread some destruction because Kafka was a Jew and you know what Hitler did to Jews.

Kafka was born in Bohemia which is currently located in Czech Republic but at Kafka’s time it belonged to Austria due to which Kafka’s mother language was German. He spoke German with a Czech accent. Kafka couldn’t write much because he passed away too soon. although he didn’t write much but still got worldwide famous especially because of his two most famous books a novel “trial” and a short fiction “The Metamorphosis”

 Kafka never believed in making a profession out of writing hence he took a degree in law from the University of Prague and became a clerk for an accident insurance office. Kafka used to fear his father. His father was the reason he wrote metamorphosis whenever Kafka would look into his father's eyes, he would see nothingness, he was cruel to Kafka and would humiliate him as well. Kafka died of tuberculosis at the age of 40 on his birthday on the third of June.

He constantly strained and stressed he suffered from migraines boils depression anxiety and insomnia. When his tuberculosis got worse he was not able to eat because of pain that ended up in his death.

We would have never known about his life had it not been for his friend Max Brod who posthumously published Kafka's works. After everything Kafka went through his philosophy goes something like: this the existential attitude begins with this oriented individual facing a confused world he cannot accept. However, that individual I mean Kafka eventually accepts and even embraces the absurdity of life. Some of the famous writers Kafka influenced were Albert Kamas Eugene Lonesco, Jean Paul etc. Hunger artist was his last written work. Kafka was a vegetarian for both his ethical and aesthetic reasons. Kafka’s “the metamorphosis” is worth reading, it’s all about how even the ones you love the most change. It is a symbolic story and not really easy to understand but if you once do start to understand there are many chances you might break down into tears. I’m really against his father for being so brutal to him. Also, later on, 7 years after Kafka’s death Nazis took his family to the camp and burnt them alive with other Jews as well. Kafka’s life pretty much sums up why his works were so depressing.


Thursday, May 12, 2022


Death must be so satisfying, I am patiently waiting for that satisfactory moment when I close my eyes never to open them again. I mean it is not that I want to die. If anything, I want to live. I am really just tired of being me, someone who can’t achieve anything of worth a privileged individual who could have done so much more with what I had but instead fell into a spiral of self loathing and ineptitude. 

I say that I want to die so much that it may just as well be my mantra, but I know for a fact that it’s just shorthand for wanting to be special to be needed to be important to be wanted. 

Falling short of these expectations of mine as well of the others and feeling unimportant and alone at my age as well be a corporal sin punishable by death. I probably don’t deserve this life so I go on saying I want to die.

Wednesday, May 11, 2022


 The idea of the home is and as old as human history.  Ancient man felt the need of protecting himself from changing weather and from wild animals. So for this purpose, he built houses. at first it was a stone house then wood and straw used and as humanity developed and modern day houses are now built of bricks and blocks. houses give us protection and they are made of walls.

The idea of four walls around us gives us a feeling of safety. Walls protect us from weather and give us privacy and the feeling of possession. outside our walls we feel exposed but once inside we have the feeling that nothing can harm us now. 

Talking a walls, this safety factor is quite psychological for in the present age of science and technology walls can not really protect us from physical dangerous like wars, floods and earthquakes. In fact the safety of our privacy that walls give us. Walls are there to tell others that it is our place and no one can enter it without our permission but walls are not always good. they make people strangers they make some friends and some foes. sometimes walls give us historic value. the two most historic are the great wall of China and the Berlin wall. great wall was built hundreds of years ago to protect China from foreign invaders. Times changed but it still stands there today, a wonder for the modern man. Berlin wall was erected to divide a nation a country but it was an unnatural barrier that could not stand the test of time and the will of people and it fell telling the people that walls are not always good and protective.


Walls are a symbol of human need of privacy as well as protection but walls are also a symbol of human alienation. They differentiate between ‘you and me’ ‘mine and yours’. such walls are invisible and they will exist as long as human beings will.

All is valid

The way you have mixed feelings about your parents is valid. You might have loving parents, who love you with all their being but the mental...